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아파치 소프트웨어 재단은 아파치 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 프로젝트 커뮤니티 지원을 제공합니다.
아파치 프로젝트는 협업과 개발 프로세스를 기반으로 하는 상호간의 공감대와 개방되어 있는 실용적인 소프트웨어 라이센스, 그 분야에서 선두를 달릴 수 있는 고품질 소프트웨어 개발을 추구하고 있습니다.

우리는 심플한 서버 공유 프로젝트의 모임이라고도 하지만 오히려 개발자와 사용자간의 커뮤니티라고 생각합니다.

Two announcements regarding the upcoming ApacheCon US 2009:

1) Early-bird registration ends 14 August. Sign up today!

Join us at ApacheCon US 2009, the ASF's official user conference and expo, 2-6 November in Oakland, California. This year’s show is anticipated be the largest gathering of the global Apache community, bringing together Foundation members, code contributors, users, developers, system administrators, business managers, service providers, and vendors for a week of training classes, seminars, sharing and hacking. In celebration of the ASF's milestone 10th Anniversary, this year's ApacheCon features the largest program to date, including special content tracks, MeetUps, GetTogethers, and a number of free events that are open to the public, such as the Hackathon and 2-day BarCampApache, in appreciation of their support over the past decade. We're excited to return to the San Francisco Bay Area, where we held our first ApacheCon, and hope that you will help us celebrate the ASF's success! For details on ApacheCon, including registration and sponsorship
information, visit http://www.us.apachecon.com/


2) Applications for Travel Assistance for ApacheCon US 2009 Now Open!

The ASF Travel Assistance Committee (TAC) has opened applications to assist those seeking to attend ApacheCon US 2009, but are unable to do so for financial reasons. Assistance is open to all people involved in Open Source projects; financial support is available for flights, accommodation, subsistence and Conference fees, either in full or in part, depending on circumstances.

There are limited places available, and all applications will be scored on their individual merit. Hurry -- the application period is 27 July-17 August 2009: be sure to complete the application form at http://www.apache.org/travel/ today!

(Applicants will be informed of their status within two weeks of application closing date.)
