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아파치 소프트웨어 재단은 아파치 오픈 소스 소프트웨어 프로젝트 커뮤니티 지원을 제공합니다.
아파치 프로젝트는 협업과 개발 프로세스를 기반으로 하는 상호간의 공감대와 개방되어 있는 실용적인 소프트웨어 라이센스, 그 분야에서 선두를 달릴 수 있는 고품질 소프트웨어 개발을 추구하고 있습니다.

우리는 심플한 서버 공유 프로젝트의 모임이라고도 하지만 오히려 개발자와 사용자간의 커뮤니티라고 생각합니다.

ApacheCon 기조발표 안내

뉴스/소식 | 2010. 10. 7. 01:24 | Posted by 노안돼지

ApacheCon Announces Keynote Presentations by Thought Leaders Dana Blankenhorn of ZDNet, Daniel Crichton of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Bob Sutor of IBM Corporation

FOREST HILL, MD — 6 October, 2010 — ApacheCon, the official conference, trainings, expo, hackathon, barcamp and meetups of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), today announced the keynote presenters and sponsors for ApacheCon North America. This year's event takes place 1-5 November 2010 at the Westin Peachtree in Atlanta, Georgia, with numerous early registration incentives available through Friday, 8 October 2010.

The conference theme, "Servers, The Cloud, and Innovation", showcases an array of ASF-developed Open Source projects, community practices, and business solutions. Keynote addresses will be presented by:

- Dana Blankenhorn, Linux and Open Source Writer, ZDNet – Wednesday, 3 November, 9AM
- Daniel Crichton, Program Manager and Principal Computer Scientist, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory – Thursday, 4 November 11.30AM
- Dr. Bob Sutor, Vice President of Open Systems and Linux, IBM Corporation - Friday, 4 November 12.30PM

Apache developers, users, enthusiasts, software architects, administrators, executives, and community managers will learn to successfully develop, deploy, and leverage existing and emerging Open Source technologies critical to their businesses. Hands-on trainings and general conference sessions will cover in-depth dozens of Apache products such as Cassandra, Geronimo, Hadoop, Lucene, Tomcat, and the Apache HTTP Server.

Special events during the week include BarCampApache, Hackathon, MeetUps, expo hall, receptions, and ample networking opportunities with peers and new connections. Both BarCampApache and ASF Project MeetUps are open to the public free of charge.

ApacheCon Gold sponsor HotWax Media and Silver sponsor Hewlett-Packard are joined by exhibitors and sponsors that include: CollabNet, Day Software, Facebook, Hippo, IBM, Lucid Imagination, Ning, Progress Fuse, Rackspace, SpringSource, The Apache Software Foundation, WSO2, and Yahoo!. For sponsor, exhibitor, and community partnership opportunities, contact Delia Frees at delia@apachecon.com.

Media registration is available for members of the press with valid credentials. Contact Sally Khudairi at sk@apache.org for more information.

Early-bird registration incentives include savings of up to $150 with the Hotel+Registration package, 20% off Full-Conference+Trainings Immersion, and group registration rates. For the complete list of sessions and to register, visit http://apachecon.com/ and follow the @ApacheCon feed on Twitter.


Technical Talks -- ApacheCon North America 2010

컨퍼런스 소식 | 2010. 5. 3. 11:06 | Posted by 노안돼지

ApacheCon North America 2010
1-5 November 2010 -- Westin Peachtree in Atlanta

Technical Tracks: Call For Participation
All submissions must be received by Friday, 28 May 2010 at midnight Pacific Time.
The official conference, trainings, and expo of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) returns to Atlanta this November, with dozens of technical, business, and community-focused sessions at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.

Over the past decade, the ASF has gone from strength to strength, developing and shepherding nearly 150 Top-Level Projects and new initiatives in the Apache Incubator and Labs. This year's ApacheCon celebrates how Apache technologies have sparked creativity, challenged processes, streamlined development, improved collaboration, launched businesses, bolstered economies, and improved lives.

We are proud of our achievements and recognize that the global Apache community --both developers and users-- are responsible for the success and popularity of our products.

The ApacheCon Planning Team are soliciting 50-minute technical presentations for the next conference, which will focus on the theme “Servers, the Cloud, and Innovation”.

We are particularly interested in highly-relevant, professionally-directed presentations that demonstrate specific probrlems and real-world solutions. Part of the technical program has already been planned; we welcome proposals based on the following Apache Projects and related technical areas:


- Cassandra/NoSQL
- Content Technologies
- (Java) Enterprise Development
- Felix/OSGi
- Geronimo
- Hadoop + friends/Cloud Computing
- Lucene, Mahout + friends/Search
- Tomcat
- Tuscany

Submissions are open to anyone with relevant expertise: ASF affiliation is not required to present at, attend, or otherwise participate in ApacheCon.

Please keep in mind that whilst we encourage submissions that the highlight the use of specific Apache solutions, we are unable to accept marketing/commercially-oriented presentations.

Other proposals, such as panels, or those longer than 50 minutes in duration have been considered in the past. You are welcome to submit an alternate presentation, however, such sessions are accepted under exceptional circumstances. Please be as descriptive as possible, including names/bios of proposed panelists and any related details.

All accepted speakers (not co-presenters) qualify for general conference admission and a minimum of two nights lodging at the conference hotel. Additional hotel nights and travel assistance are possible, depending on the number of presentations given and type of assistance needed.

To submit a presentation proposal, please send an email to submissions AT apachecon DOT com containing the following information in plaintext (no attachments, please):

1. Your full name, title, and organization

2. Contact information, including your address

3. The name of your proposed session (keep your title simple and relevant to the topic)

4. The technical category of the intended presentation (Cassandra/NoSQL; Content Technologies; (Java) Enterprise Development; Felix/OSGi; Geronimo; Hadoop + friends/Cloud Computing; Lucene, Mahout + friends/Search; Tomcat; or Tuscany)

5. The classification for each presentation (Servers, Cloud, or Innovation) – some presentations may have more than one theme (e.g., a next-generation server can be classified both as "Servers" and "Innovation"

6. The intended audience level (beginner, intermediate, advanced)

7. A 75-200 word overview of your presentation

8. A 100-200-word speaker bio that includes prior conference speaking or related experience

9. Feedback or references (with contact information) on presentations given within the last three years

To be considered, proposals must be received by Friday, 28 May 2010 at midnight Pacific Time. Please email any questions regarding proposal submissions to cfp AT apachecon DOT com.

Technical Tracks Key Dates

23 April 2010: Call For Participation Open
28 May 2010: Call For Participation Closes
11 June 2010: Speaker Acceptance/Rejection Notification
1-5 November 2010: ApacheCon NA 2010
We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!

For the ApacheCon Planning team,
Sally Khudairi, Program Lead


ApacheCon North America 2010 비지니스/커뮤니티 트랙 참여를 바랍니다.
참여에 대한 모든 제안은 2010년 4월 30일 (금요일, 태평양시간기준 자정)까지 제출되어야 합니다.

그리고, 공식적인 컨퍼런스, 트레이닝과 아파치 소프트웨어 재단 엑스포는 올해 11월 애틀랜터(Atlanta)에서 진행되며 서버, 클라우드 컴퓨팅, 검색, NoSQL, 인큐베이터 프로젝트, 이노베이션, 최신 기술 등등 수많은 세션들로 구성되어 있습니다.

ApacheCon의 기술적인 트랙은 현재 각각의 프로젝트 관리 위원회(Project Management Committees)에서 계획하여 돌아오는 주말에 발표할 것입니다.

과거 5년을 거쳐오는 동안, ApacheCon 비지니스/커뮤니터 트랙은 고객과 커뮤니티의 성공을 위해 대부분 오픈 소스, 브릿지 유저, 개발자와 배포 이슈에서의 비기술적인 분야의 재미있는 토픽으로 구성되어 왔습니다.

또한, 2010년 11월 1일부터 5일까지 Atlanta Westin Peachtree에서 열리는 다음 컨퍼런스부터 비지니스/커뮤니티 트랙이 50분짜리 프리젠테이션이 되도록 권유하고 있습니다.

ASF의 추천 프로세스로 알려진 "The Apache Way"는 폭넓고, 신뢰할 수 있어 오픈 소스 프로젝트와 위원회를 성공적으로 이끌고 있으며,  The Apache Way 연설과 아래 토픽 내용을 실세계를 예(real-world examples)로 들어 재미있게 설명하는 프리젠테이션을 준비하고 있습니다.

- 오픈 소스 비지니스 (정책, 관리, 에코 시스템)
- 성공 스토리(엔터프라이즈/비즈니스, 국방/정부, 비영리/학교/연구소)채택
- 비지니스 모델 전략(향후 전망, 변화, 최신 트렌드)
- 엔터프라이스 Apache (동기부여, 운영, 마켓, 내부 운영정보 교환)
- 가정에서의 오픈 소스 (내부 프로세스, 생산성, 협업 개선을 위한 팁/트릭/툴)
- 오픈 개발과 분산 컴퓨팅
- 교육과 에반젤라이징
- 오픈 소스 라이센스와 규정 발행 (로드맵, 하이브리드 환경, 호환성, 기타)
- 능력주의 모델과 커뮤니티 빌딩
- 프로젝트, 사용자, 위원회에 대한 멘토링
- 참여 그룹 육성 (학생, 여성, 다국적, 기타)

기타 쇼케이스 "how we did it"등의 흥미있는 다른 제안들도 환영합니다


Sign up for ApacheCon US by 14 August and save up to $500!

This year's ApacheCon US promises to deliver our most extensive program to date, and largest anticipated gathering of the global Apache community to celebrate the ASF's milestone 10th Anniversary. The San Francisco Bay Area is where the very first ASF official user conference was held, and we hope that you will join us in celebrating the ASF's success!

Apache members, code contributors, users, developers, system administrators, business managers, service providers, and vendors will convene 2-6 November in Oakland, California, for a week of training, presentations, sharing and hacking. ApacheCon US 2009 features new content tracks, MeetUps, and GetTogethers, as well as a number of events open to the public free of charge, such as the Hackathon and 2-day BarCampApache, in appreciation of their support over the past decade.

Be sure to register by 14 August to save up to $500! To sign up, visit http://www.us.apachecon.com/

Those wishing to attend ApacheCon, but may be unable to do so due to financial reasons are encouraged to apply for Travel Assistance by completing the form at http://www.apache.org/travel/ Financial support for flights, accommodation, subsistence, and conference fees are availablAnyone involved in Open Source is welcome to apply for financial support for flights, accommodation, subsistence and Conference fees. Hurry, applications close on 17 August.

Conference sponsor, exhibitor, and community partnerships are also available: please contact Delia Frees at delia@apachecon.com for details.

# # #


Two announcements regarding the upcoming ApacheCon US 2009:

1) Early-bird registration ends 14 August. Sign up today!

Join us at ApacheCon US 2009, the ASF's official user conference and expo, 2-6 November in Oakland, California. This year’s show is anticipated be the largest gathering of the global Apache community, bringing together Foundation members, code contributors, users, developers, system administrators, business managers, service providers, and vendors for a week of training classes, seminars, sharing and hacking. In celebration of the ASF's milestone 10th Anniversary, this year's ApacheCon features the largest program to date, including special content tracks, MeetUps, GetTogethers, and a number of free events that are open to the public, such as the Hackathon and 2-day BarCampApache, in appreciation of their support over the past decade. We're excited to return to the San Francisco Bay Area, where we held our first ApacheCon, and hope that you will help us celebrate the ASF's success! For details on ApacheCon, including registration and sponsorship
information, visit http://www.us.apachecon.com/


2) Applications for Travel Assistance for ApacheCon US 2009 Now Open!

The ASF Travel Assistance Committee (TAC) has opened applications to assist those seeking to attend ApacheCon US 2009, but are unable to do so for financial reasons. Assistance is open to all people involved in Open Source projects; financial support is available for flights, accommodation, subsistence and Conference fees, either in full or in part, depending on circumstances.

There are limited places available, and all applications will be scored on their individual merit. Hurry -- the application period is 27 July-17 August 2009: be sure to complete the application form at http://www.apache.org/travel/ today!

(Applicants will be informed of their status within two weeks of application closing date.)
